
General project update

A project log for 'FleaFPGA Uno' Starter board

valentin-angelovskiValentin Angelovski 02/04/2016 at 00:180 Comments

Hello everyone,

After a short hiatus to take care of personal matters, I have returned! :-)

Now, about the FleaFPGA Uno availability problem: As I've previously stated, if there is sufficient demand then I will do a limited production run of boards. I have no need to make fifty boards just for myself :-)

Enquiries I have received via email while I was away have been encouraging. Enquiry volumes however could be best described as a trickle rather than a flood - but that is possibly because most people were put off by the 'out of stock' status etc. :-)

So, I have started talking to the assembly house again towards doing a follow-on production run. If you have a real interest in obtaining a FleaFPGA Uno board, kindly register that interest either here or via the 'enquiry' button on the page. Many thanks.


Valentin Angelovski
