
Wiki online!

A project log for Crunchtrack

The smallest open source GSM+GPS+CAN board ever

mastro-gippoMastro Gippo 09/16/2015 at 18:520 Comments

From the start, I wanted the Crunchtrack to be a very wide project where my own hardware plays only a relatively small part. True to my intentions, I finally put the first prototype of the wiki online! It's a basic Mediawiki installation, there's not much yet; I decided to inaugurate it with the first page about the first tutorial on how to get basic informations about cars.

I also recorded the first video; it took a lot of effort and tens of retakes, and I'm still light years away from what I'd like to see (my inspiration is EEVblog). I hope to improve my english loquacity in my next trips :)
