Quantity   Component name
1 × BT-55-class model rocket I'll be using a home-made rocket, and may kick the things up a notch with an F engine...
1 × 3D-printed holder STL files will be included later on
1 × Arduino Pro Mini Or any ATMega328 board small enough to fit in the body tube
1 × MPU6050 For our acceleration measuring needs
1 × BPM180 I used this one because it was lying around
1 × Radio module Cheapest one I found on eBay
1 × SD Card Reader Module
1 × 5V step-down regulator I used a buck swtiching regulator, as to maximize efficency
1 × 450mAh, 7.4V Li-Po Battery Maybe a tad oversized, but hey, was lying around and not being used!