
Statistics for 2015 Hackaday Prize Entries

Statistics based on a 2015-08-17 snapshot of the page

Similar projects worth following
A snapshot of the page was taken after the close for entries was announced in

The text from the web page was copied with CTRL+A, CTRL+C, then pasted into an Open Office spreadsheet.

A few formulas later, a table with all listed projects (in random order) comes out, together with their authors, and numbers for skulls, followers, comments and views.

From here, data can be sorted, counted, filtered, grouped, or put in pivot tables and pivot charts for further analysis.

Grand Totals

Authors: 672
Projects: 910
Comments: 3 169
Skulls: 7 947
Followers: 22 421
View Count: 1 544 197

Table of contents

3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearable

  • Top 100 Authors by Views

    RoGeorge08/18/2015 at 00:38 0 comments

    # Author Followers Skulls Project Comments View Count
    1 movax 617 198 5 160 88600
    2 MW Motors 284 124 2 112 48660
    3 The Big One 498 170 3 74 36100
    4 Tyler Spadgenske 245 83 2 15 35300
    5 IngGaro 333 88 1 21 31700
    6 Debasish Dutta 301 136 3 77 28406
    7 Oscarv 90 36 1 8 25600
    8 Dan Royer 151 60 1 8 21600
    9 kodera2t 180 94 4 43 21100
    10 Andreas Hoelldorfer 370 142 1 38 19900
    11 eric 230 78 3 39 19568
    12 Blecky 160 67 2 64 19173
    13 K.C. Lee 233 96 5 32 19071
    14 ben.phenoptix 241 79 1 21 17200
    15 peter jansen 177 88 2 15 15600
    16 antti.lukats 212 111 5 54 15462
    17 Rory Aronson 193 60 1 2 15400
    18 Michael Mogenson 75 66 1 14 15400
    19 Chris Hamilton 412 62 40 25 15031
    20 M. Bindhammer 196 135 3 29 14252
    21 Krzysiek 154 72 1 50 14200
    22 Adam Vadala-Roth 126 49 1 16 13700
    23 Peter Walsh 105 47 1 21 13500
    24 jlbrian7 207 62 1 15 13300
    25 Caner Durmusoglu 88 15 1 15 13200
    26 ProtoVoltaics 122 46 1 18 13000
    27 Glenn Powers 184 58 1 16 12800
    28 Michal Elias 71 35 1 2 12600
    29 Justin 224 46 3 22 12600
    30 Clovis Fritzen 186 65 6 23 12576
    31 Solenoid 210 71 4 12 11997
    32 Leon Bataille 43 18 1 2 11500
    33 tlankford01 124 50 1 8 11000
    34 Jithin 120 51 2 0 10600
    35 opeRaptor 167 64 2 15 10500
    36 mauswerkz 85 38 1 6 10300
    37 SUF 171 40 6 15 10249
    38 Thomas Snow 48 7 1 4 10100
    39 frankstripod 177 59 3 44 9581
    40 Pure Engineering 154 55 1 23 9400
    41 ErikL 66 23 1 7 9200
    42 John Ambeliotis 141 23 1 10 8700
    43 jupdyke 77 34 2 13 7800
    44 Frank Vigilante 113 37 4 21 7779
    45 j0z0r pwn4tr0n 149 41 3 15 7760
    46 ajlitt 77 25 2 6 7700
    47 Matt 69 30 3 6 7698
    48 RoGeorge 148 56 9 49 7500
    49 Hendra Kusumah 96 26 1 14 7500
    50 Daniël Spies 72 31 1 0 7500
    51 Sidharth 91 26 1 13 7400
    52 Kumar Abhishek 133 66 2 6 7400
    53 Eric Wiiliam 103 72 2 19 7300
    54 Mario Lukas 117 38 2 20 7031
    55 conklinnick 29 31 1 11 7000
    56 Steven 150 34 3 6 6916
    57 Chris Low 80 47 1 16 6900
    58 Reinier van der Lee 64 36 1 4 6700
    59 PK 61 34 1 22 6700
    60 voja antonic 80 43 2 10 6500
    61 Alexander Shabarshin 38 15 1 17 6500
    62 David Prutchi 29 16 1 4 6400
    63 Sagar 93 23 1 4 6400
    64 dannyritchie 120 33 1 3 6400
    65 AJ Reynolds 47 13 1 7 6300
    66 haydn jones 117 43 4 42 6177
    67 radu.motisan 130 78 1...
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  • Top 100 Authors by Comments

    RoGeorge08/18/2015 at 00:21 0 comments

    # Author Followers Skulls Project Comments View Count
    1 movax 617 198 5 160 88600
    2 MW Motors 284 124 2 112 48660
    3 Debasish Dutta 301 136 3 77 28406
    4 The Big One 498 170 3 74 36100
    5 Blecky 160 67 2 64 19173
    6 antti.lukats 212 111 5 54 15462
    7 Chali Baicunn 76 31 1 50 5800
    8 Krzysiek 154 72 1 50 14200
    9 RoGeorge 148 56 9 49 7500
    10 frankstripod 177 59 3 44 9581
    11 kodera2t 180 94 4 43 21100
    12 haydn jones 117 43 4 42 6177
    13 eric 230 78 3 39 19568
    14 Andreas Hoelldorfer 370 142 1 38 19900
    15 Shane E. Vadnais 95 27 1 35 6000
    16 K.C. Lee 233 96 5 32 19071
    17 esot.eric 126 45 5 32 5880
    18 M. Bindhammer 196 135 3 29 14252
    19 al1 59 28 2 28 5465
    20 Chris Hamilton 412 62 40 25 15031
    21 Craig Hissett 27 10 2 23 3200
    22 MechaTweak 22 14 1 23 2300
    23 Clovis Fritzen 186 65 6 23 12576
    24 Pure Engineering 154 55 1 23 9400
    25 PK 61 34 1 22 6700
    26 x-labz 54 25 1 22 5600
    27 Justin 224 46 3 22 12600
    28 Sean Hodgins 123 39 1 22 3900
    29 ben.phenoptix 241 79 1 21 17200
    30 Peter Walsh 105 47 1 21 13500
    31 Gabriel Staples 5 1 1 21 243
    32 Frank Vigilante 113 37 4 21 7779
    33 IngGaro 333 88 1 21 31700
    34 Mario Lukas 117 38 2 20 7031
    35 James Newton 31 9 1 20 1600
    36 WΛLLTΞCH 85 42 1 20 4900
    37 Timothy Bomer 8 0 1 20 571
    38 Patrick Joyce 101 114 1 20 4600
    39 marcelclaro 100 44 1 19 4800
    40 Eric Wiiliam 103 72 2 19 7300
    41 pastcompute 58 14 2 18 2643
    42 ProtoVoltaics 122 46 1 18 13000
    43 radu.motisan 130 78 1 17 6100
    44 Alexander Shabarshin 38 15 1 17 6500
    45 Chris Low 80 47 1 16 6900
    46 Adam Vadala-Roth 126 49 1 16 13700
    47 zakqwy 67 24 1 16 3600
    48 Glenn Powers 184 58 1 16 12800
    49 Lloyd T Cannon III 95 37 3 15 4500
    50 j0z0r pwn4tr0n 149 41 3 15 7760
    51 opeRaptor 167 64 2 15 10500
    52 peter jansen 177 88 2 15 15600
    53 SUF 171 40 6 15 10249
    54 coflynn 65 25 1 15 4600
    55 Tyler Spadgenske 245 83 2 15 35300
    56 jlbrian7 207 62 1 15 13300
    57 Caner Durmusoglu 88 15 1 15 13200
    58 mad.hephaestus 61 22 2 14 2158
    59 MIPS ARMSTRONG 76 35 1 14 5200
    60 Michael Mogenson 75 66 1 14 15400
    61 Hendra Kusumah 96 26 1 14 7500
    62 James Warnock 24 4 1 14 964
    63 Radomir Dopieralski 68 44 1 14 3700
    64 jupdyke 77 34 2 13 7800
    65 Sidharth 91 26 1 13 7400
    66 monnoliv 35 24 1 13 3200
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  • Top 100 Authors by Followers

    RoGeorge08/18/2015 at 00:17 0 comments

    # Author Followers Skulls Project Comments View Count
    1 movax 617 198 5 160 88600
    2 The Big One 498 170 3 74 36100
    3 Chris Hamilton 412 62 40 25 15031
    4 Andreas Hoelldorfer 370 142 1 38 19900
    5 IngGaro 333 88 1 21 31700
    6 Debasish Dutta 301 136 3 77 28406
    7 MW Motors 284 124 2 112 48660
    8 Tyler Spadgenske 245 83 2 15 35300
    9 ben.phenoptix 241 79 1 21 17200
    10 K.C. Lee 233 96 5 32 19071
    11 eric 230 78 3 39 19568
    12 Justin 224 46 3 22 12600
    13 antti.lukats 212 111 5 54 15462
    14 Solenoid 210 71 4 12 11997
    15 jlbrian7 207 62 1 15 13300
    16 M. Bindhammer 196 135 3 29 14252
    17 Rory Aronson 193 60 1 2 15400
    18 Clovis Fritzen 186 65 6 23 12576
    19 Glenn Powers 184 58 1 16 12800
    20 kodera2t 180 94 4 43 21100
    21 frankstripod 177 59 3 44 9581
    22 peter jansen 177 88 2 15 15600
    23 SUF 171 40 6 15 10249
    24 opeRaptor 167 64 2 15 10500
    25 Blecky 160 67 2 64 19173
    26 Pure Engineering 154 55 1 23 9400
    27 Krzysiek 154 72 1 50 14200
    28 Dan Royer 151 60 1 8 21600
    29 Steven 150 34 3 6 6916
    30 j0z0r pwn4tr0n 149 41 3 15 7760
    31 RoGeorge 148 56 9 49 7500
    32 John Ambeliotis 141 23 1 10 8700
    33 Kumar Abhishek 133 66 2 6 7400
    34 radu.motisan 130 78 1 17 6100
    35 esot.eric 126 45 5 32 5880
    36 Adam Vadala-Roth 126 49 1 16 13700
    37 tlankford01 124 50 1 8 11000
    38 Sean Hodgins 123 39 1 22 3900
    39 ProtoVoltaics 122 46 1 18 13000
    40 Jithin 120 51 2 0 10600
    41 dannyritchie 120 33 1 3 6400
    42 Mario Lukas 117 38 2 20 7031
    43 haydn jones 117 43 4 42 6177
    44 Frank Vigilante 113 37 4 21 7779
    45 Peter Walsh 105 47 1 21 13500
    46 Eric Wiiliam 103 72 2 19 7300
    47 Sounak Ranjan Das 103 13 2 2 3519
    48 Pierce Nichols 101 44 1 3 3600
    49 Patrick Joyce 101 114 1 20 4600
    50 marcelclaro 100 44 1 19 4800
    51 Hendra Kusumah 96 26 1 14 7500
    52 Lloyd T Cannon III 95 37 3 15 4500
    53 Shane E. Vadnais 95 27 1 35 6000
    54 Sagar 93 23 1 4 6400
    55 Pusalieth 93 24 1 2 2400
    56 Sidharth 91 26 1 13 7400
    57 Oscarv 90 36 1 8 25600
    58 Eric Cantrell 88 17 7 13 3801
    59 Caner Durmusoglu 88 15 1 15 13200
    60 Paul Stoffregen 87 33 1 3 3000
    61 Sarang Nerkar 86 7 4 1 1146
    62 Apodiant 85 33 1 4 5400
    63 mauswerkz 85 38 1 6 10300
    64 WΛLLTΞCH 85 42 1 20 4900
    65 bijtaj 80 18 3 8 3054
    66 Markus Loeffler 80 21 1 7 2000
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  • Top 100 Authors by Skulls

    RoGeorge08/18/2015 at 00:12 0 comments

    # Author Followers Skulls Project Comments View Count
    1 movax 617 198 5 160 88600
    2 The Big One 498 170 3 74 36100
    3 Andreas Hoelldorfer 370 142 1 38 19900
    4 Debasish Dutta 301 136 3 77 28406
    5 M. Bindhammer 196 135 3 29 14252
    6 MW Motors 284 124 2 112 48660
    7 Patrick Joyce 101 114 1 20 4600
    8 antti.lukats 212 111 5 54 15462
    9 K.C. Lee 233 96 5 32 19071
    10 kodera2t 180 94 4 43 21100
    11 IngGaro 333 88 1 21 31700
    12 peter jansen 177 88 2 15 15600
    13 Tyler Spadgenske 245 83 2 15 35300
    14 ben.phenoptix 241 79 1 21 17200
    15 eric 230 78 3 39 19568
    16 radu.motisan 130 78 1 17 6100
    17 Eric Wiiliam 103 72 2 19 7300
    18 Krzysiek 154 72 1 50 14200
    19 Solenoid 210 71 4 12 11997
    20 Blecky 160 67 2 64 19173
    21 Kumar Abhishek 133 66 2 6 7400
    22 Michael Mogenson 75 66 1 14 15400
    23 Clovis Fritzen 186 65 6 23 12576
    24 opeRaptor 167 64 2 15 10500
    25 Chris Hamilton 412 62 40 25 15031
    26 jlbrian7 207 62 1 15 13300
    27 Rory Aronson 193 60 1 2 15400
    28 Dan Royer 151 60 1 8 21600
    29 frankstripod 177 59 3 44 9581
    30 Glenn Powers 184 58 1 16 12800
    31 Jean-François Duval 54 58 1 3 1600
    32 RoGeorge 148 56 9 49 7500
    33 Pure Engineering 154 55 1 23 9400
    34 Jithin 120 51 2 0 10600
    35 tlankford01 124 50 1 8 11000
    36 Adam Vadala-Roth 126 49 1 16 13700
    37 Chris Low 80 47 1 16 6900
    38 Peter Walsh 105 47 1 21 13500
    39 Justin 224 46 3 22 12600
    40 ProtoVoltaics 122 46 1 18 13000
    41 esot.eric 126 45 5 32 5880
    42 Pierce Nichols 101 44 1 3 3600
    43 Radomir Dopieralski 68 44 1 14 3700
    44 marcelclaro 100 44 1 19 4800
    45 voja antonic 80 43 2 10 6500
    46 haydn jones 117 43 4 42 6177
    47 WΛLLTΞCH 85 42 1 20 4900
    48 j0z0r pwn4tr0n 149 41 3 15 7760
    49 SUF 171 40 6 15 10249
    50 Sean Hodgins 123 39 1 22 3900
    51 mauswerkz 85 38 1 6 10300
    52 Mario Lukas 117 38 2 20 7031
    53 Lloyd T Cannon III 95 37 3 15 4500
    54 Frank Vigilante 113 37 4 21 7779
    55 Open Bionics 56 37 1 2 3200
    56 Reinier van der Lee 64 36 1 4 6700
    57 Oscarv 90 36 1 8 25600
    58 MIPS ARMSTRONG 76 35 1 14 5200
    59 matseng 63 35 1 9 6000
    60 Michal Elias 71 35 1 2 12600
    61 jupdyke 77 34 2 13 7800
    62 Steven 150 34 3 6 6916
    63 PK 61 34 1 22 6700
    64 dannyritchie 120 33 1 3 6400
    65 Paul Stoffregen 87 33 1 3 3000
    66 Apodiant 85 33 1 4 5400...
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  • Top 100 Authors by Projects

    RoGeorge08/18/2015 at 00:05 0 comments

    # Author Followers Skulls Project Comments View Count
    1 Chris Hamilton 412 62 40 25 15031
    2 RoGeorge 148 56 9 49 7500
    3 himixlt 31 8 8 0 792
    4 Eric Cantrell 88 17 7 13 3801
    5 Clovis Fritzen 186 65 6 23 12576
    6 lee 0 0 6 0 258
    7 Steve Schuler 36 20 6 8 2722
    8 SUF 171 40 6 15 10249
    9 K.C. Lee 233 96 5 32 19071
    10 esot.eric 126 45 5 32 5880
    11 antti.lukats 212 111 5 54 15462
    12 movax 617 198 5 160 88600
    13 Frank Vigilante 113 37 4 21 7779
    14 haydn jones 117 43 4 42 6177
    15 Eduardo Zola 29 6 4 0 660
    16 BART 45 4 4 2 1235
    17 Klaus 37 16 4 13 2851
    18 kodera2t 180 94 4 43 21100
    19 Solenoid 210 71 4 12 11997
    20 Sarang Nerkar 86 7 4 1 1146
    21 Sumit 6 2 4 0 609
    22 Charles Lakins 29 12 3 1 934
    23 Chris 52 19 3 8 2146
    24 CaptMcAllister 21 8 3 3 957
    25 hickss 26 8 3 12 1377
    26 Debasish Dutta 301 136 3 77 28406
    27 Lloyd T Cannon III 95 37 3 15 4500
    28 M. Bindhammer 196 135 3 29 14252
    29 Matt 69 30 3 6 7698
    30 eric 230 78 3 39 19568
    31 bijtaj 80 18 3 8 3054
    32 PointyOintment 10 4 3 0 532
    33 j0z0r pwn4tr0n 149 41 3 15 7760
    34 Rohit Gupta 3 2 3 1 253
    35 Ryan 28 8 3 5 1168
    36 David 58 19 3 4 3370
    37 shane kirkbride 35 7 3 2 711
    38 Aleks Clark 37 9 3 2 1194
    39 Steven 150 34 3 6 6916
    40 frankstripod 177 59 3 44 9581
    41 Justin 224 46 3 22 12600
    42 The Big One 498 170 3 74 36100
    43 trax 63 16 3 10 1689
    44 Vikas V 38 18 3 11 1998
    45 Jithin 120 51 2 0 10600
    46 Anil Pattni 26 11 2 7 627
    47 Craig Hissett 27 10 2 23 3200
    48 Eric Wiiliam 103 72 2 19 7300
    49 Kestler 52 12 2 8 1933
    50 jupdyke 77 34 2 13 7800
    51 Domen Ornik 8 3 2 2 725
    52 Arkadi 33 22 2 0 2779
    53 Everett Bradford 13 6 2 0 272
    54 castvee8 31 19 2 5 2615
    55 John 18 13 2 2 981
    56 dracoprimus 47 6 2 2 564
    57 Joe 55 13 2 1 1055
    58 atheros 29 1 2 0 559
    59 ACROBOTIC Industries 31 10 2 2 1666
    60 drewrisinger 54 18 2 3 3325
    61 DrYerzinia 38 12 2 3 1024
    62 KMD 50 2 2 2 1284
    63 Adam Jacobs 9 4 2 0 333
    64 Kumar Abhishek 133 66 2 6 7400
    65 Danny 21 6 2 2 950
    66 jens.andree 41 18 2 5 1202
    67 Jordan Poles 48 10 2 4 2148
    68 M.daSilva 31 12 2 0 668
    69 mad.hephaestus 61 22 2 14 2158
    70 Madhav M Nair 31 7 2 2 454
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  • Top 100 Projects by Comments

    RoGeorge08/17/2015 at 23:55 0 comments

    Place View Count Followers Comments Skulls Project Author
    1 48300 273 112 120 Luka EV MW Motors
    2 61900 273 85 98 EM-Drive movax
    3 23500 245 73 106 ARDUINO MPPT SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER Debasish Dutta
    4 18600 149 64 67 SubPos - Positioning System Blecky
    5 32400 415 56 148 Bench Power Supply The Big One
    6 14200 154 50 72 Open source sport/smart watch Krzysiek
    7 14900 155 50 47 Your satellite devkit and launch movax
    8 5800 76 50 31 Junkyard Hydrogen Fuel Cell Chali Baicunn
    9 19900 370 38 142 3D Printable Robot Arm Andreas Hoelldorfer
    10 6000 95 35 27 Open source two stroke diesel engine Shane E. Vadnais
    11 5000 42 26 29 Soft Propeller antti.lukats
    12 13400 182 25 60 The HYDRA multiheaded virtual computer eric
    13 9400 154 23 55 C12666MA Micro-Spectrometer Pure Engineering
    14 3000 44 23 15 Poor Man's “Laser” Cutter frankstripod
    15 2300 22 23 14 Shower water saver MechaTweak
    16 9100 58 22 49 SD card sized board, let's say "SDuino"! kodera2t
    17 3900 123 22 39 NIRGM - Non-Invasive NIR Glucose Meter Sean Hodgins
    18 6700 61 22 34 SPI and TTL Serial VGA Graphics Card - VGATonic PK
    19 5600 54 22 25 UV-badge x-labz
    20 31700 333 21 88 Arduino anti-theft alarm shield IngGaro
    21 17200 241 21 79 MeArm - Your Robot ben.phenoptix
    22 13500 105 21 47 Improve the Haber process Peter Walsh
    23 243 5 21 1 Ultrasonic 3D Positioning System (GPS) Gabriel Staples
    24 4600 101 20 114 Eye Controlled Wheelchair! Patrick Joyce
    25 4900 85 20 42 WΛLLTΞCH PHΛNTOM: Bone-Conduction BT Audio WΛLLTΞCH
    26 4600 48 20 36 Aspirin for everyone M. Bindhammer
    27 1600 48 20 12 FireNice - Thermoelectric Power And Cooling movax
    28 1600 31 20 9 Reagent Robot James Newton
    29 571 8 20 0 Project Limitless Timothy Bomer
    30 4800 100 19 44 Chocometer marcelclaro
    31 961 15 19 14 Hack the Hack A Day Editor RoGeorge
    32 13000 122 18 46 Pick and Place Machine ProtoVoltaics
    33 6200 94 18 30 Open Source Kinect stand-alone 3D Scanner Mario Lukas
    34 6100 130 17 78 Portable environmental monitor radu.motisan
    35 6500 38 17 15 XORYA - extremely low cost game console on PIC32 Alexander Shabarshin
    36 977 18 17 6 Solar Sand Converter - Solving the sand problem haydn jones
    37 12800 184 16 58 Open Ground Penetrating Radar Glenn Powers
    38 13700 126 16 49 HydroPWNics Adam Vadala-Roth
    39 6900 80 16 47 Light Electric Utility Vehicle Chris Low
    40 7700 89 16 41 SMPS replacement for 7805 K.C. Lee
    41 3600 67 16 24 Neurons, neurons, neurons... zakqwy
    42 2800 24 16 12 The ProReg - Fuel Monitoring System Frank Vigilante
    43 1500 37 16 9 uBBB 32u4 The Big One
    44 13300 207 15 62 Power Monitor jlbrian7
    45 4600 65 15 25 BSU - BS Free USB coflynn
    46 13200 88 15 15 IVPort Raspberry Pi Camera Module Multiplexer Caner Durmusoglu
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  • Top 100 Projects by View Count

    RoGeorge08/17/2015 at 23:53 0 comments

    Place View Count Followers Comments Skulls Project Author
    1 61900 273 85 98 EM-Drive movax
    2 48300 273 112 120 Luka EV MW Motors
    3 32400 415 56 148 Bench Power Supply The Big One
    4 31700 333 21 88 Arduino anti-theft alarm shield IngGaro
    5 29700 149 6 51 DIY Smartphone Tyler Spadgenske
    6 25600 90 8 36 PiDP-8/I Oscarv
    7 23500 245 73 106 ARDUINO MPPT SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER Debasish Dutta
    8 21600 151 8 60 Affordable, Programmable Robot Arm Dan Royer
    9 19900 370 38 142 3D Printable Robot Arm Andreas Hoelldorfer
    10 18600 149 64 67 SubPos - Positioning System Blecky
    11 17200 241 21 79 MeArm - Your Robot ben.phenoptix
    12 15400 75 14 66 Two Component USB Temperature Data Logger Michael Mogenson
    13 15400 193 2 60 FarmBot - CNC Farming and Gardening Rory Aronson
    14 14900 155 50 47 Your satellite devkit and launch movax
    15 14200 154 50 72 Open source sport/smart watch Krzysiek
    16 13700 126 16 49 HydroPWNics Adam Vadala-Roth
    17 13500 105 21 47 Improve the Haber process Peter Walsh
    18 13400 182 25 60 The HYDRA multiheaded virtual computer eric
    19 13300 207 15 62 Power Monitor jlbrian7
    20 13200 88 15 15 IVPort Raspberry Pi Camera Module Multiplexer Caner Durmusoglu
    21 13000 122 18 46 Pick and Place Machine ProtoVoltaics
    22 12800 184 16 58 Open Ground Penetrating Radar Glenn Powers
    23 12600 71 2 35 Hacking powerful EV drivetrains Michal Elias
    24 11500 43 2 18 Volkswagen CAN BUS Gaming Leon Bataille
    25 11000 124 8 50 Project ICARUS 3.0: Solar Anti-Poaching UAS tlankford01
    26 10300 85 6 38 DIY Electric Vehicle from Recycled Parts mauswerkz
    27 10100 48 4 7 Motion Controlled Cabinet Light Thomas Snow
    28 10000 119 5 65 low-field MRI peter jansen
    29 9400 154 23 55 C12666MA Micro-Spectrometer Pure Engineering
    30 9200 144 9 55 Obsolete Time opeRaptor
    31 9200 66 7 23 Electric Ninja ErikL
    32 9100 58 22 49 SD card sized board, let's say "SDuino"! kodera2t
    33 8900 64 13 21 Portable tiny IoT device solving general problem kodera2t
    34 8700 124 8 90 Medical tricorder M. Bindhammer
    35 8700 151 13 33 nRFIoT - Easy IoT Sensors Justin
    36 8700 141 10 23 Home automation hub using pi's, arduino and more! John Ambeliotis
    37 8500 96 0 38 Python Powered Scientific Instrumentation tool Jithin
    38 8400 130 14 61 DIPSY antti.lukats
    39 8400 97 4 30 100$ Xray desktop CT scanner movax
    40 7700 89 16 41 SMPS replacement for 7805 K.C. Lee
    41 7700 89 6 37 3D Printed Parametric Motor Solenoid
    42 7500 72 0 31 Raspberry Pi: 'Nin10do' Daniël Spies
    43 7500 64 6 29 ESPLux - Smarts for your downlights Matt
    44 7500 96 14 26 Surveillance Robot Camera (SUROCAM) Hendra Kusumah
    45 7400 72 7 35 Wireless Batteryless Mouse Clovis Fritzen
    46 7400 91 13 26 Quadcopter from scratch Sidharth
    47 7000 29 11 31 The End of an...
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  • Top 100 Projects by Followers

    RoGeorge08/17/2015 at 23:51 0 comments

    Place View Count Followers Comments Skulls Project Author
    1 32400 415 56 148 Bench Power Supply The Big One
    2 19900 370 38 142 3D Printable Robot Arm Andreas Hoelldorfer
    3 31700 333 21 88 Arduino anti-theft alarm shield IngGaro
    4 48300 273 112 120 Luka EV MW Motors
    5 61900 273 85 98 EM-Drive movax
    6 23500 245 73 106 ARDUINO MPPT SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER Debasish Dutta
    7 17200 241 21 79 MeArm - Your Robot ben.phenoptix
    8 13300 207 15 62 Power Monitor jlbrian7
    9 15400 193 2 60 FarmBot - CNC Farming and Gardening Rory Aronson
    10 12800 184 16 58 Open Ground Penetrating Radar Glenn Powers
    11 13400 182 25 60 The HYDRA multiheaded virtual computer eric
    12 14900 155 50 47 Your satellite devkit and launch movax
    13 14200 154 50 72 Open source sport/smart watch Krzysiek
    14 9400 154 23 55 C12666MA Micro-Spectrometer Pure Engineering
    15 21600 151 8 60 Affordable, Programmable Robot Arm Dan Royer
    16 8700 151 13 33 nRFIoT - Easy IoT Sensors Justin
    17 18600 149 64 67 SubPos - Positioning System Blecky
    18 29700 149 6 51 DIY Smartphone Tyler Spadgenske
    19 9200 144 9 55 Obsolete Time opeRaptor
    20 8700 141 10 23 Home automation hub using pi's, arduino and more! John Ambeliotis
    21 6100 130 17 78 Portable environmental monitor radu.motisan
    22 8400 130 14 61 DIPSY antti.lukats
    23 13700 126 16 49 HydroPWNics Adam Vadala-Roth
    24 8700 124 8 90 Medical tricorder M. Bindhammer
    25 11000 124 8 50 Project ICARUS 3.0: Solar Anti-Poaching UAS tlankford01
    26 3900 123 22 39 NIRGM - Non-Invasive NIR Glucose Meter Sean Hodgins
    27 13000 122 18 46 Pick and Place Machine ProtoVoltaics
    28 6400 120 3 33 Smart Grow Room dannyritchie
    29 10000 119 5 65 low-field MRI peter jansen
    30 4400 110 10 32 commonCode (not exclusively for AVRs) esot.eric
    31 5000 108 2 26 Squirco Smart Home System - Sensor Network Steven
    32 6800 106 11 32 E-ink Raspberry Pi display j0z0r pwn4tr0n
    33 13500 105 21 47 Improve the Haber process Peter Walsh
    34 4600 101 20 114 Eye Controlled Wheelchair! Patrick Joyce
    35 3600 101 3 44 MultiSpork Pierce Nichols
    36 4800 100 19 44 Chocometer marcelclaro
    37 5800 97 12 33 Driverless Mouse and Keyboard Sharing frankstripod
    38 8400 97 4 30 100$ Xray desktop CT scanner movax
    39 8500 96 0 38 Python Powered Scientific Instrumentation tool Jithin
    40 5600 96 9 32 ANDY: A Multi-Purpose "Humanoid" Robot Tyler Spadgenske
    41 7500 96 14 26 Surveillance Robot Camera (SUROCAM) Hendra Kusumah
    42 6000 95 35 27 Open source two stroke diesel engine Shane E. Vadnais
    43 6200 94 18 30 Open Source Kinect stand-alone 3D Scanner Mario Lukas
    44 2400 93 2 24 Open Source Cell Phone Pusalieth
    45 6400 93 4 23 Iridium Eye: A 3d Mapping Drone Sagar
    46 7400 91 13 26 Quadcopter from scratch Sidharth
    47 25600 90 8 36 PiDP-8/I...
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  • Top 100 Projects by Skulls

    RoGeorge08/17/2015 at 23:49 0 comments

    Place View Count Followers Comments Skulls Project Author
    1 32400 415 56 148 Bench Power Supply The Big One
    2 19900 370 38 142 3D Printable Robot Arm Andreas Hoelldorfer
    3 48300 273 112 120 Luka EV MW Motors
    4 4600 101 20 114 Eye Controlled Wheelchair! Patrick Joyce
    5 23500 245 73 106 ARDUINO MPPT SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER Debasish Dutta
    6 61900 273 85 98 EM-Drive movax
    7 8700 124 8 90 Medical tricorder M. Bindhammer
    8 31700 333 21 88 Arduino anti-theft alarm shield IngGaro
    9 17200 241 21 79 MeArm - Your Robot ben.phenoptix
    10 6100 130 17 78 Portable environmental monitor radu.motisan
    11 14200 154 50 72 Open source sport/smart watch Krzysiek
    12 18600 149 64 67 SubPos - Positioning System Blecky
    13 15400 75 14 66 Two Component USB Temperature Data Logger Michael Mogenson
    14 10000 119 5 65 low-field MRI peter jansen
    15 13300 207 15 62 Power Monitor jlbrian7
    16 8400 130 14 61 DIPSY antti.lukats
    17 15400 193 2 60 FarmBot - CNC Farming and Gardening Rory Aronson
    18 13400 182 25 60 The HYDRA multiheaded virtual computer eric
    19 21600 151 8 60 Affordable, Programmable Robot Arm Dan Royer
    20 12800 184 16 58 Open Ground Penetrating Radar Glenn Powers
    21 1600 54 3 58 FlexSEA: Wearable robotics toolkit Jean-François Duval
    22 9400 154 23 55 C12666MA Micro-Spectrometer Pure Engineering
    23 9200 144 9 55 Obsolete Time opeRaptor
    24 29700 149 6 51 DIY Smartphone Tyler Spadgenske
    25 11000 124 8 50 Project ICARUS 3.0: Solar Anti-Poaching UAS tlankford01
    26 13700 126 16 49 HydroPWNics Adam Vadala-Roth
    27 9100 58 22 49 SD card sized board, let's say "SDuino"! kodera2t
    28 14900 155 50 47 Your satellite devkit and launch movax
    29 13500 105 21 47 Improve the Haber process Peter Walsh
    30 6900 80 16 47 Light Electric Utility Vehicle Chris Low
    31 13000 122 18 46 Pick and Place Machine ProtoVoltaics
    32 3600 101 3 44 MultiSpork Pierce Nichols
    33 4800 100 19 44 Chocometer marcelclaro
    34 3700 68 14 44 Tote, affordable spider robot Radomir Dopieralski
    35 4200 81 4 43 BeagleLogic Kumar Abhishek
    36 4900 85 20 42 WΛLLTΞCH PHΛNTOM: Bone-Conduction BT Audio WΛLLTΞCH
    37 7700 89 16 41 SMPS replacement for 7805 K.C. Lee
    38 3900 123 22 39 NIRGM - Non-Invasive NIR Glucose Meter Sean Hodgins
    39 8500 96 0 38 Python Powered Scientific Instrumentation tool Jithin
    40 10300 85 6 38 DIY Electric Vehicle from Recycled Parts mauswerkz
    41 2600 51 8 38 Gas Sensor For Emergency Workers Eric Wiiliam
    42 7700 89 6 37 3D Printed Parametric Motor Solenoid
    43 3200 56 2 37 Affordable Bionic Hands For Amputees Open Bionics
    44 25600 90 8 36 PiDP-8/I Oscarv
    45 6700 64 4 36 Vinduino, a wine grower's water saving project Reinier van der Lee
    46 4600 48 20 36 Aspirin for everyone M. Bindhammer
    47 5200
    Read more »

View all 9 project logs

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Moritz Walter wrote 09/08/2015 at 18:51 point

Everyone loves statistics but only few take the efforts! This is awesome, thanks for putting this up!

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RoGeorge wrote 09/08/2015 at 18:53 point

Glad you like it, thanks!

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frankstripod wrote 08/18/2015 at 11:57 point


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RoGeorge wrote 09/08/2015 at 18:53 point

Thank you!

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Blecky wrote 08/18/2015 at 03:51 point

Great work RoGeorge!

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RoGeorge wrote 08/18/2015 at 07:03 point


It was first for my own curiosity, but I knew from the previous year that other people are curious too, so I published the spreadsheet and a snapshot for top 100 results.

It should have been done properly, using the HAD App, or at least the BeautifulSoup, but in the end it was made in the most quick and dirty way: copy/paste + spreadsheet + pivot table.


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