
Now with touchscreen

A project log for Desktop Monitor/Control

Send performance data and control media to an arduino micro.

psyraxPsyrax 04/06/2016 at 23:592 Comments

Added a touchscreen to replace buttons and oled. Monitor now looks better to me, also added some rectangles of screen protector to get tactile feedback on where the controls are.


Juris3D wrote 08/22/2017 at 10:22 point

Hello! I am a bit weak at programming, excuse me. My question: does code on github represent TFT version too? For me it looks OLED-based, but - that's what my appologize is for, maybe I don't understand. I would like to have TFT code to experiment with modules/libraries that I have. Thank You!

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Psyrax wrote 04/07/2016 at 00:05 point

Also, windows code remain the same and found an error on adafruit's tutorial :O will post code later today.

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