

Project OpenTech-Laptop is a custom built laptop. I made it from 2 binders, an old non working hp laptop, and some new components.

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This is a 15`` laptop, it has an Intel mainboard with fanless embedded dual Atom CPU, 4GB of RAM, 120GB SSD hdd, internal speakers & wireless keyboard with keypad. Now I am working for its portability...

Looking for a battery solution & a way to make the project more light and better looking...

Great problem showed up with Li-ion batteries, can not buy from nowhere because my country forbid large capacity of this kind of batteries...!!! I am trying to figure it out...

Will try my new project allthough! OpenTech-Laptop2! thanks for the support!

  • 1 × Intel DN2800MT mainboard miniITX m/b with integrated ATOM N2800 cpu
  • 2 × 2GB RAM Kingston so-dimm 1066Mhz
  • 1 × 120GB SSD HDD Kingston SSD
  • 1 × 15`` screen monitor Philips 15`` panel lcd with inverter
  • 1 × LVDS cable Handmade lvds cable (monitor to m/b)

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heatgap wrote 06/28/2014 at 10:48 point
You could get a tiny fan in there just to keep the performance up in hot environments just something to push/pull the ambient heat build up out.

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OpenTech-Store wrote 06/28/2014 at 14:34 point
Yes, I agree with you... I will install 2 of them, and would take the place of speakers. One for push & one for pull the air. The speakers will take their place in the front binder. Thanks for the tip heatgap!

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OpenTech-Store wrote 04/10/2014 at 08:27 point
Thanks for the comment Eric! I have not finished the description yet and I will add more photos. The idea came from Novena laptop from Bunnie, indeed! But Bunnie is in an other level, made his own hardware, software etc etc... I wand my idea to be more simple, more easy to service, to have more universal parts... (I am building a web site for my projects, more details will come)
The case is two ring binders (folders for store papers), joined together. The green contains the screen and the keyboard-tochpad & the red mainboard, hdd etc...
For the battery issue, I am looking for one of this ( The mainboard (intel dn2800mt) has 2pins for internal power connection & an external power connection, from which I am feeding all the parts... I think that the external laptop battery solution, intergrated inside the laptop, is a good! ( I am sorry for my english... I am not so good...)

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Eric Evenchick wrote 04/09/2014 at 18:00 point
What is the case? It looks moderately portable when folded up, but it's hard to tell from the pictures. I wonder if RC batteries would be suitable. It looks like that's what Bunnie is using for his Novena Laptop (

Of course, you'd need some custom electronics to generate the various voltages. Maybe take a look at the picoPSU (;jsessionid=ac112). It's an ATX power supply that fits into the connector and runs off 12 VDC.

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