Prusa i3 Bear Upgrade V2.0


This is an aluminum frame conversion for the Prusa i3 MK2, MK2s, MK2.5 and MK3.

Josef PRŮŠA has created numerous of incredible 3D printers and its latest Prusa i3 MK3 is capable of very impressive print quality for a very low price. A huge thanks to him and all its team!

One of the down point of the Prusa i3 MK2 and MK3 is the rigidity of the frame. A very good project has solved those problems by using 3030 extrusion aluminum : Prusa 3030 Haribo Edition. So why another conversion build? Check the next section ;)

Why another conversion build?

Here are the features that explain why I decided to create another printer upgrade.

Full And Half upgrades

The Prusa i3 Bear upgrade is proposed in two versions: full or half upgrade.

Here is a comparison table to help you choose :

Half upgrade use the same v-slots and printed part for MK2(s) and MK2.5. However, the full upgrade has 3 different versions, one for MK2(s), one for MK2.5 and another one for MK3. You can discover the difference in the [full upgrade page](full_upgrade/).

Several printed parts are shared between all these versions. This makes easier to move from half to full upgrade, or full upgrade MK2 to full upgrade MK3.

Go to HALF upgrade page or FULL upgrade page (on my GitHub).

Community And Support

The official repository of this project is on my GitHub :

The best way to talk about this upgrade is to join the OpenBuilds thread. Be careful when you join OpenBuilds, you will be soon tempted by building a CNC or a Laser machine!

You can also open an issue on GitHub if you prefer or add a comment on my My Thingiverse.

Manual, Drawings, BOM, Sources

Everything is available on my GitHub :

Feedbacks from users

Some feedbacks from users that built the half upgrade v1 :

> "I'm really happy. It's really great. It works really fine. It's a professional update. I was searching for a mk3 prusa frame update and I find this"

> "Excellent with instructions, this was like buying a Prusa kit all over again, only better"

> "Your frame idea made the machine a lot sturdier"

> "It seems printing noise has reduced significantly after upgrade"

> "Amazing work on the detail and on the machine"

> "That frames makes it into totally different beast!"

> "It's a professional well made update. And the manual it's really easy to follow"

> "Very detailed work, are you sure you dont want to take on the role of the new Josef Prusa ?? I mean the designs are just amazing"

Huge THANKS to all of you! ♥

Current status

Half Upgrade :heavy_check_mark: : Finished

Full Upgrade MK2(s) :heavy_check_mark: : Finished

Full Upgrade MK2.5 :grey_exclamation: : MK2.5 upgrade kits have not been shipped from Prusa factory yet. The only differences for this upgrade will be the RAMBo cover mounts. All parts, documentation and tests are finished.

Full Upgrade MK3 :question: : No build as been tried as I do not own a MK3. However, all parts, documentation and tests are finished. Waiting feedback from first builders (big thank you for the help!).



Here are a list of sources I used to build this project :

Huge thanks to these projects, without them this project can not exist!