
Happy Birthday, Mr Boole

A project log for ED-64: A discrete 8-bit computer

ED-64 will be an 8-bit computer built with discrete components, and will feature a ferrite core memory (documented as a separate project).

andrew-starrAndrew Starr 11/03/2015 at 06:051 Comment

There has been a hitch in arranging a stencil for the AND gates (thanks for nothing, Paypal) so I have hand-soldered the first one to test the design:

Next up, a jig to test finished AND, OR and NAND gates. I also intend to whip up a carrier board to do some speed and propagation delay tests.

Also, I have repaired the 4 faulty flip-flops from my first batch of 20. The usual problems - diodes around the wrong way, missing resistors.


Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 11/03/2015 at 08:25 point

If Boole knew...

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