

System that tracks eating behavior at a buffet.

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Buffet tracker is a system that tracks eating behavior at a buffet style restaurant. By tracking plates using RFID and linking them to a change in weight at a particular vessel we can infer the contents of each individual plate and analyze bulk trends in eating behavior.

The system consists of a network of RFID and weight sensor pairs for each serving vessel. RFID tagged plates are picked up by restaurant patrons which are tracked from vessel to vessel. A Raspberry Pi pushes the data to a database on the cloud for analysis.

Design -

Research Value -

  • Look into bulk trends in behavior inside the restaurant setting
  • Objectively measure the food content of each individual plate taken to the serving area
  • Quantitatively measure the exact weight of food taken from each serving vessel
  • Non-obtrusive to the individuals, system can be completely hidden

Data Analysis[Sample] -

  • 1 × Arduino Uno Slave device for collecting and pushing sensor data asynchronously to the host.
  • 1 × ID-12 RFID reader 125Khz RFID reader for identifying plates.
  • 3 × 125Khz RFID tags Used on a per plate basis for identification
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi

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