Have you ever gone to Sushi where you kept eating, eating, eating, and even more eating, and then you realized you ate too much?

You have?

Well, it turns out, this happens because you are not fully aware of the number of bites that you are taking - or the speed at which you are eating - for a number of reasons; as a result the hormones in your brain that signal satiety result in a decreased influence to stop your eating, and by the time you finish eating you realize you have eaten too much. A more extreme case of this is called Binge Eating Disorder, a situation in which patients experience uncontrolled, unhealthy episodes of food intake that are often accompanied by emotional distress and guilt.

Well, that's not good! So what are we going to do about that? We're gonna look at your arm and track it to figure out your number of intakes. What we then can do is use this data to let you know "hey, slow down! You're eating too fast! It's not good for you" etc ...