
4.0 - Ordered

A project log for Portable Pi2 Thermal Imager with Overlay

A portable thermal imager with PiCam overlay using a FLIR Lepton on a Raspberry Pi2, Official Raspberry screen, and some other parts.

matthew-navarroMatthew Navarro 10/12/2015 at 23:440 Comments

Ok, I finally finished with the modeling. It took quite a bit of testing and revisions to get keep the cost reasonable (based on Shapeways price).

I think I finally found a good balance of cost while maintaining the features that I wanted to include. On the top are two holes which can accommodate a 1/4" bolt (camera tripod mount size thread). I will go more into what that is specifically for in a future post. At the bottom is space for a large (or small) USB battery, the battery also helps keep the center of mass low. On the sides are handles, although I really wanted them to be a bit bigger (see above); but they really added a lot to the cost of the print so I had to keep them smaller.

Both parts are available here and here for print (at cost) or you can also download the models here (zip). I have already ordered both parts, which I should get around the end of this month. So until then it will just be waiting.
