
Unmanned Aerial Broadcasting Vehicle

Inexpensive Low Altitude Autonomous Drone Live Streams Video to the Internet for Fully Automatic Video-journalism

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A relatively inexpensive flying camera with an H264 encoder and a GSM module that can track a specific user or group of users and broadcast the video that it captures to any number of existing internet live streaming services. It should do this from above normal arms reach. but generally low to the ground (well below most restrictions, able to be used indoors). It should be aware of and try to avoid objects in its path. It should be entirely autonomous, but should respond to basic commands from its users.

Essentially, a journalist should be able to wear a marker or (or connect to an existing wearable) then insert a SIM card, toss the device in the air and broadcast live to the internet. The journalist should be able to issue basic commands to the device to move closer or farther away, change the view type, or return, but should not have to fly the vehicle or aim the camera.

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