PiModulos is supposed to be a modular EHX Big Muff Pi PCB that can implement as many versions of the transistor BMP circuit. So far two schematics have been created, one is for a triangle era muff they other is for a Skreddy Mayonaise, it has altered values and a midrange switch added. Also this PCB has pads for a few popular mods. The emitter mod, consists of bypassing the resistors to ground from the transistors, this can be implemented as a switchable feature. the result is a boost in mid range and gain/fuzz. The other mod is the skreddy tone switch mod that adds another cap in parallel with the one int he filter of the tone circuit, this gives a boost in midrange.
Musical expression is an integral part of our culture and music culture. The Pi Modulos modular assembly and ability to become any Big muff this PCB project will allow artists to sculpt their signature tone at the circuit level.