Cheap W5500 Ethernet modules have started to appear on all of the usual supplier channels on the 'net. Priced at about $4.50 each, they come with a built-in regulator and can be powered from either a 5v or 3v3 supply (the W5500 is a 3v3 chip with 5v tolerant IO pins).
This particular project uses the W5500 board in conjunction with the ESP8266 to create an MQTT gateway for ESP-Now sensor nodes. The same basic hardware and software configuration could be used to provide a wired gateway for a completely different service (and the Ethernet library has example code for a telnet client, a web server, a Twitter gateway, a chat server, a Xively client and more).
See the "Project Details" starred link on the L/H side of the page.
NodeMCU / Wemos d1 Mini / Yellow Dev Board / ESP12
Any small signal PNP transistor should do
3k3 base resistor for the transistor (see schematic)
W5500 Ethernet Board
The one with the "PWOER" LED :-)
Now i'm making thermometer for N DS18B20. And W5500 (like you have) + ESP8266(Lolin) + 2xDS18B20 work so bad if DS and W5500 connect to same powerline. I'm using Baseboard for Lolin. Do you have same trouble? May be this Lolin is broken, because same Lolin with same W5500 and 1xDS18b20 works fine.
The gateway code (click on the "ESP-Now Gateway Code" link on the left-hand side of this page) has the Ethernet library already included in the lib sub-directory, as well as a short paragraph in the README on libraries. You will need the PubSubClient library to get this particular application running, but for more general applications, you can use any of the files in the normal Arduino/Ethernet library to get other types of servers running (see:- for a list of the examples).
It's worth noting that Paul Stoffregen has recently implemented some substantial updates to the "Ethernet2" library (which also requires some small updates to the in-built SPI lib). It seems like this is going to be a big improvement over the original library, so there may be an updated version of this project coming along sometime fairly soon.
Hello i know this is a old post But I'm trying to pick this back up and I was wondering if you can help me with finding the code please? That link dose not have the esp-now gateway code.
Hi Joseph, The code is still at:-
...(just checked).