
Music Syntax and Guide

A project log for Badge for Hackaday Conference 2018 in Belgrade

In the 1980's, you had to know programming to use computers. They were used for... guess what? Computing! Want to see how it looked?

mike-szczysMike Szczys 05/14/2018 at 21:460 Comments

This badge has a built-in speaker and you can compose music for 3 voices using a simple scripting language. Use the BASIC interpreter to access these features with the syntax: 

tune voice1,voice2,voice3,duration

Duration is the number of milliseconds this chord should be held. The voice values use Scientific Pitch Notation ( where middle C is 60. Do a C major chord held for 1 second would look like this tune 60,64,67,1000 -- below is a cheat sheet.

PRO TIP: Remember BASIC programs can be saved in any of 16 slots (0..15) using the save/load commands.

As an example, try typing this into your BASIC interpreter (you may want to type clr before your start to clear any existing code):

10 tune 0,0,72,131
20 tune 0,0,74,131
30 tune 0,0,77,131
40 tune 0,0,74,131
50 tune 70,74,81,262
60 tune 0,0,0,131
70 tune 70,74,81,393
80 tune 60,76,79,524
90 tune 0,0,0,131
100 tune 0,0,72,131
110 tune 0,0,74,131
120 tune 0,0,77,131
130 tune 0,0,74,131
140 tune 69,72,79,262
150 tune 0,0,0,131
160 tune 69,72,79,393
170 tune 62,69,77,393
180 tune 62,69,76,131
190 tune 62,69,74,655
