
Hackaday Omnibus 2015

Hackaday's Annual Print Extravaganza

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From the front cover to the back, the Hackaday Omnibus vol #02 is a greatly expanded adventure through a year’s worth of incredible articles aimed at Hackers, Designer, Artists, and Engineers. 128 full-color pages play host to 31 of the best articles written for Hackaday. The original artwork that illustrate these stories make this among the most interesting pieces of technical literature you can own.

Now available in the Hackaday Store:

Once again, for no particular reason other than pure fun, we're publishing a new (annual) issue of Hackaday Omnibus. Keep an eye on this project for updates, ideas, drafts etc...

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mrjohn0337211155 wrote 07/15/2022 at 07:05 point

Thank you for your useful sharing, I found the coloring pictures at: Kleurplaten lego ninjago 

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