
SailPi, based on SailfishOS

A project log for SailPi

Bring SailfishOS and Nemo Mobile operating systems to Raspberry Pi 2

aleksi-suomalainenAleksi Suomalainen 11/11/2015 at 19:461 Comment

Heres the blog post to main blog, see it for the image and details on installing:


superstuff7 wrote 11/12/2015 at 00:22 point

I found on the previous edition of Sailpi I was unable to install any applications, has that been fixed?

EDIT: I also now cannot use my Jolla account I set up last time, and am given the error "Problems during device IMEI registration. Device IMEI was not saved." I registered an account using a secondary email, but this is not ideal, what do you think could be done to fix this?

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