
Some project manager.

I don't like project managers. Either they're expensive, clunky, or just plain old garbage. So I'm writing my own.

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Here's the plan:

  1. Strict frontend/backend separation
  2. Basic frontend in javascript
  3. Basic backend in python
  4. All the backend does is provide and store data (some nosql? probably just json files) via a REST api
  5. The frontend displays this data. Ideally, you can have multiple frontends to show different things (eg maybe you'd like to show a kanban board or one of those weird graphs)

  • Basic functionality

    alpha_ninja11/03/2015 at 05:01 0 comments

    Looks like the most important stuff is working.

  • Databases

    alpha_ninja11/01/2015 at 20:12 0 comments

    I'm trying to document the API here. This will change often.

    GET /projects/example/active

        {"id": "123",
        "priority": 0 to 3,
        "description": "string",
        "details": "a longer string",
        "status": "[todo,current,done]",
        "due": "2015-10-30T23:01:47Z",
        "assignee": "[userid? for future use.]"}

    POST /projects/example/create

        {"description": "string",
        "priority": 2,
        "details": "a longer string",
        "status": "[todo,current,done]",
        "due": "2015-10-30T23:01:47Z",
        "assignee": "[userid? for future use.]"}

    (returns the database - like .../active)

    POST /projects/example/123

        {"description": "string",
        "priority": 2,
        "details": "a longer string",
        "status": "[todo,current,done]",
        "due": "2015-10-30T23:01:47Z",
        "assignee": "[userid? for future use.]"}

    (returns the database - like .../active)

    Everything above this line is implemented.

    GET /projects

    POST /projects/example
    {"description": "blah"}
    {"status": "[unchanged|created|success|failed]"}

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