
NEW MemTypeTool available!

A project log for Memtype: Open Source Password Keeper

Memtype, an elegant solution to have your credentials stored everywhere.

noel-carriquiNoel Carriqui 05/27/2017 at 14:110 Comments

We've received comments from users regarding to the difficulty of installing python2.7 and the dependencies on some operating systems for using the old MemTypeTool GUI. Also there were some bugs in it and some missing features, so we decided to rewrite a new GUI from scratch using C++ and Qt5.8.

This also allows us to make a binary release that anybody could download and use directly.

We've released today the v1.0 version of that new GUI :)

Documentation for the #Memtype: Open Source Password Keeper:

It's compatible with all the MemTypes and it will receive updates with new cool features.

Hope you like it!

