Advanced multi-tool desktop factory based on OpenBuilds V-Slot. Derived from, and largely compatible with, AlephObjects/LulzBot Taz series of machines.
As a generic multi-tool CNC platform, almost anything is possible. However, one unique benefit is the ability to correct deficiencies in one fabrication process with another. This machine could switch between CNC milling the build platform, FDM extruding a base object, flattening layers by milling, coloring by inkjet, and laser trimming, all in one job.
See Photo.jpg, or explore the design with FreeCAD.
Platform constructed and tested, awaiting installation of more tools. Additionally, a compatible platform is under construction atop HacDC's 8'*4' optical table.
Fully open-source, GPLv3 license preferred.
Custom metal brackets are generally compatible with existing Taz machines, as an upgrade option.
Finally, CNC millling, laser cutting, and multi-material extrusion, have all been done with this machine. However, the tool platforms obstruct a bit too much of the build area when mounted simultaneously. Check out MightyTool, the compact multi-tool platform also intended for use with more typical 3D printers. Custom 250W milling spindle included, built into aluminum extrusion.
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