
BRINKS 12V Programmable Timer

115V to 12V BRINKS programmable timer conversion.

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A BRINKS 7-day programmable timer converted from 115V ~15A output to 12V ~1A output. It uses a super simple circuit using a 7812 voltage regulator. Sliced a few traces, bent some circuitry, a little hot glue, an WAHLA! LED shows when there is power to the terminals on the side.
  • 1 × BRINKS 7-day Digital Timer
  • 1 × 7812 12V Power Management ICs / Linear Voltage Regulators and LDOs
  • 1 × Heat Sink
  • 1 × Green LED
  • 1 × 1/2W 100K Resistor Brown, Black, Brown, Gold

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