

A project log for Micro:bot

A simple robot based on the BBC micro:bit.

dehipudeʃhipu 12/02/2015 at 18:360 Comments

Once I had the mechanics done, I started to work on the programming. Setting the speed of the servos was easy enough:

import microbit

microbit.pin0.write_analog(int(25 + 100 * degrees / 180))

But then making it turn exactly 90° or travel exactly 10cm required some careful experimentation with timing.

Once I had that, hooking up the distance sensor was easy. It's an analog SHARP range finder, so all I needed was to read the analog pin. Then I added some simple logic for finding out in which direction the obstacle is further away, and voila, object avoidance:

And that's it. All the code sits in the repository:
