Of course nothing is perfect but I was close! LOL! The next roboShield will have the following improvements.
- The shield Eagle Library I used to get the pins in the correct position was out of date and did not have the 2 extra pins for IORef and the unused pin. That header will be increased in size from 6 to 8.
- Two pins on the Vstamp should have been tied to +5v. That will be fixed easily on the next run.
- The ISP header should pass through the shield but I will have to look at moving the Vstamp a little. May be a tough one...
- The 5V regulator led flashes when the 5v regulator (for servo power) has no power input. I need to trouble shoot the cause of this. Not a game stopper, all other functions work well when this happens. Maybe it's ok because this then indicates you don't have any power to source your 5V for the servos...??
- My library mixed up Motor1 and Motor2 from the labels on the board. Easy library fix.
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