
The Mooltipass Crowdfunding Campaign is Live!

A project log for Mooltipass Offline Password Keeper

Offline password keeper project created by and for the Hackaday community

mathieu-stephanMathieu Stephan 11/03/2014 at 12:510 Comments

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Dear Mooltipass enthusiasts,

The development team and I would like to thank you for your support during this year of development. A little less than a year ago we started with just an idea and it is with your help that we end up here today with a product ready for production!

You will find our crowdfunding campaign here:

As you'll see we included a nice explanation video on why an offline password keeper reduces the number of attack vectors and is therefore better than closed or software based password keepers. It is time to sensitize and educate people about their credentials security.

We'd therefore appreciate if you could help us spread the word of open source security by sharing our video or campaign with your family and friends via Facebook, twitter or any social media or news website.

We did our best to keep costs down, however we still need to hire Javascript developers to finish our plugin. You'll find our pledge funding breakdown in the campaign. Our goal isn't to make money but contribute to individuals' security!

Some of the development team will be hanging out in #mooltipass on in case you'd like to ask us questions about our adventure or simply give us feedback about our campaign. As usual we welcome constructive criticism!

Any contribution is appreciated!


Mathieu & the dev team
