I have built a streaming news wire to deliver the news you want in real-time. It is a Wi-Fi-enabled, battery-operated device that conveniently sits on your desk, allowing you to keep your phone in your pocket and Internet tabs closed at all times. The tabletop-friendly gadget will continually stream up-to-the-minute information from your preset list of sites. This can be anything from the day’s breaking news, to shopping deals, to social media updates, to stock quotes, to sports scores to the latest Hollywood gossip. You even add your own compatible RSS feeds.
My project is on Kickstarter and am I seeking to raise $40,000 to fund production and complete development. Upon completion, I will open source the firmware (including CC3100 & LCD, Touch libraries) built using Atmel Studio and hardware (pcb design, bom, stl's). The board will be fully hackable so you can update the firmware to make it do anything you want.
A CE certificate is required to ship product into EU. I did not want to put the project at risk while I try to figure out the regulation requirements in EU for electronic devices. So for now, I restricted the ship to countries. Regards, Brad
You have did a great job to deliver the relevant news. I would like to see news on this websitehttps://www.kovertnews.com/