
40-channels RGB LED strings driver

A subset of the WizYasep that unleashes all the 40 outputs and drives 3.2Mbytes/s of asynchronous RGB LED strings with no effort.

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(To be developed soon...)

The WizYasep is awesome but it is limited to medium-range data transmission. Many LED display projects don't need or want an Ethernet interface.

The WizYasep also has an unfortunate limitation due to the network interface. The FPGA could easily drive 40 LED strings simultaneously but it has enough pins to drive 24 strings at the moment.

So let's take the WizYasep board, remove the Wiznet module and feed the data from a 8-bits parallel bus or high speed SPI link. Local storage is removed as well, so the host system must configure the channels, store and schedule of the data... But this provides more flexibility for non-networked projects, like with a RPi !
  • 1 × A3P125-TQ100 FPGA, 4KB SRAM, 3K LUT3
  • 5 × 74HCT245 Buffer ×8
  • 1 × 64MHz clock generator
  • 1 × 3.3V LDO + /Reset generator
  • 1 × 1.5V LDO

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