Hi !
Here is a big update for VR Tracker ! Now the Arduino-NRF24L01+ on every camera has been replaced with a WIFI chip, the ESP8266 (an ESP12E on NodeMCU board).
Why this choice ?
Well using Wifi allows to remove the gateway, you can access to your camera directly. Also the code can be updated wirelessly, which is very nice ! Moreover,, for future developments, it will allow a better flexibility.
Oh and BTW, the chip cost less than 4$ !
What is going to change ?
First we remove the Gateway. Therefore all calculations that used to happen in the Gateway must happen the PC / Smartphone. As we are going to use Unity to develop applications and games, we will have to include OpenCV in unity (which can be a bit tricky) and translate the code from python to C#.
Want a look at it ? Here you go :
How to plug it ? Here you go !
The code is coming soon, don't hesitate to ask for it ;)
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Hi there ! I know about that 95$ asset, but I want it open source :) Therefore I am compiling EmguCV for Unity for free ;)
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Awesome! :-) Maybe you want to take a look at this OpenCV unity asset https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/21088
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