Technical data sheet:
External dimensions: X475mm Y430mm Z570mm
Working dimensions: X200mm Y200mm Z280mm
Resolution: 100micron
Extruder: E3D V6 Nozzle 0.4mm
Electronics: Arduino Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 - Full Graphics Display Driver A4988 + SD
Firmware: Marlin 1.1
Mechanics: Stepper Motors NEMA 17, belt drive GT2, rods and bearings diameter 12mm
Structure: Frame in aluminum profiles 30x30mm + molded ABS
Features: heated plate, LED lighting, WebCam, print from SD, 9 points Auto Bed Leveling, Milling head for PCB, 550W ATX power supply with overload protection.
Hi, I noticed its been some time since you built this printer, are you happy with it. Ive been looking at replaceing my scratch built printer from old bubble jet and scanner parts and and been considering a box design similar to what you have and would love to know how you have found it and what would you do different?