
Raspberry Pi 3 cap rail enclosure

self made din rail enclosure with breadboard for Raspberry Pi A+ B+ 2B, 3B, 3B+

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Now that you've finally got your hands on a Raspberry Pi® , you're probably itching to make some fun embedded computer projects with it. What you need is an add on prototyping plate and a DIN rail enclosure from us to bring your project to a control cabinet.

We added some basic but essential goodies. First up, there's a big prototyping area, half of which is for THT parts and half of which is for SMD parts so you can wire up DIP chips, relays, and the like. Along the edges of the proto area, all the GPIO/I2C/SPI and power pins are connected and marked. You can connect your work via terminals with the world ouside the enclosure.

  • milled cab rail enclosure
  • for EN50022 DIN rails
  • prototyping plate - fits perfectely in the enclosure
  • 2x 2-pin terminal blocks
  • 2x 3-pin terminal blocks
  • 40 pole socket for the Raspberry Pi A+ , B+ and 2
  • SSOP and SOIC breakout area for integrated circuits
  • 0805 and SOT23 breakout area for other SMD parts
  • pcb contains a layout for a 5V/1A voltage switching regulator
  • for Raspberry Pi model A+, B+ and 2 only

Assembly Instruction RasPiBox Open rev C.pdf

Detailed Assembly Instruction

Adobe Portable Document Format - 982.97 kB - 09/01/2017 at 17:28


Datasheet RasPiBox Open Plus Rev C.pdf


Adobe Portable Document Format - 228.93 kB - 09/01/2017 at 17:26


Application Note RasPiBox Power Supply Rev B.pdf

Different ways to power supply a Raspberry Pi with RasPiBox

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.81 MB - 09/01/2017 at 17:25


Application Note RasPiBox Z-Wave Rev A.pdf

Z-Wave Integration

Adobe Portable Document Format - 258.04 kB - 09/01/2017 at 17:24


Application Note RS485 Rev A.pdf

RS485 integration

Adobe Portable Document Format - 195.43 kB - 09/01/2017 at 17:23


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