This isn't really an update on the project just a new image. I have wanted to be able to render KiCad files in Blender for a while but have never gotten around to it. I spent some time today to figure it out and this is the output. This is done using the cycles render engine. Hopefully I can make a more techy environment than just the gray metal.
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Hi, very nice rendering in Blender :)
Would you mind to share the .blend file here or in GitHub?
I like the environment and I would like to replicate it for some rendering...
Thank you
P.S. if you need an enclosure design for your project you may have a look at my kicad StepUp script
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Hey, thanks for the link! I have to design an
enclosure for another project and I going to try and do it in FreeCad.
This will help for sure!
do was
The ones for this project turned out better.
I have added the .blend file there let me know what you think of that project I am try to get some feedback :)
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