
Software packaged, or is it?

A project log for "Ultimate" Lora Gateway Backplane

An "ultimate" DIY LoRa Gateway Backplane

ryan-walmsleyRyan Walmsley 03/26/2018 at 22:250 Comments

I have spent most of today prepping the software for when all of the hardware arrives.

One of the issues I was having was deciding what would be the best method of distribution the software. I wanted something easy to replicate over multiple gateways.

I ran a poll on twitter asking between Docker, SD Image and Bash script and @magicaltrout on twitter came up with using Ubuntu Core & A Snap Package.

I didn't think there would be an ubuntu core distribution for the Nano Pi Duo but it seems there was!

I then got to work trying to package up the forwarder. Long story short I originally tried to package up the one by Kersing which uses the newer method of forwarding packets. However this just was being a right pain to compile and had about 5-6 different repositories to compile from.

I changed to using the older semtech forwarder and got it compiled in about 15 minutes! With a few tweaks I have a package I think I'm confident with.

The next stage will be testing the hardware and software all out in one go. Meanwhile I'll do some smaller tests with the snap package possibly using my Orange Pi Zero.
