1Step 1
Solder 4 Red/Green LED's to a project board.
Run ~300Ohm resistor to ground pin on all 4 LED's. (Center pin is common on these LED's)
Wire Green side to PIN 2,3,4,5 of UNO
Wire Red side to PIN 6,7,8,9 of UNO
Ground resistors. -
2Step 2
Solder the +V pin from the Green LED on the RJ45 Ethernet connector.
Connect this to A0 on the UNO
Yes - there IS possibly a way to do this in software, but I am a hardware hacker and this works great! -
3Step 3
Download the UIPEthernet Library: https://github.com/ntruchsess/arduino_uip
Edit the timeout on DHCP to something more reasonable than 60 seconds.
Download the code - I'm using Arduino IDE 1.6.5 here.
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