
Downlooking Camera

A project log for DIY Pick and Place

Cartesian PNP machine using Rails/Carriages for high speed and accurate part placement. Affordable open source pick and place is on the way.

anthonywebbanthony.webb 01/25/2016 at 05:550 Comments

I realized that I didnt get a great shot of the down looking camera yet. It kind of hides out behind the Z head. At any rate the Z head attaches to a couple delrin caps that cover a small chunk of extrusion which mounts to the slide. There is a set screw (which is probably not needed, the delrin is a very tight fit) The camera appears to be supperb and has a nice focus ring up top. Only downside was that when focusing, the wire would want to turn inside the housing, which in turn rotated the camera too. So I took off the cap and put a small dab of silicon in there, problem solved. Time will tell if this camera is a great solution or not, but for now openpnp seems to like it and I am happy with how rigid it is, the minimal offset from the pick tips, easy focus that is very accessible, and how well it nestles in there without needing separate mounting bracket. Camera we are using is this one
