Got some work done on the gantry and the X axis rails. The motion on the gantry X axis rails is very smooth and we'll see how that holds when I figure out how I am going to get the Y axis attached to the gantry. I added some angle brackets to where the legs of the gantry are connected to the feet at the bottom and to the top MDF cross beam. Way less wiggling going on on the right hand gantry foot. I do have some binding on the right hand gantry foot, but I think the 2 X 4 is curved (warped) so that it getting cut by the Z axis rail.
I'll really hate having to dismantle even some of this to correct that binding on the Z axis foot, but as many times I went through test fitting things for the gantry X axis rails and the Y axis mounting plate I'll get it done if need be.
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