
Google Glass Voltage Meter

A BLE enabled voltage meter which utilizes Google Glass' heads up display so you never have to look away from the circuit you're measuring.

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A BLE enabled voltage meter which utilizes Google Glass' heads up display so you never have to look away from the circuit you're measuring.
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maciejewsoncollin7 wrote 10/13/2023 at 19:45 point

Your endeavor is incredible. This endeavor has given me a lot to learn. I'd want to distribute it to the  meta keywords generator  team so they can read it and apply something fresh to our ongoing efforts.

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Eric Evenchick wrote 04/30/2014 at 05:11 point
This reminds me of a different tool I want to build: Bluetooth audio continuity meter. That way I could listen to music, and hear my meter beep.

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