
PCBs arrived – prototype assembled

A project log for Fully featured dough proofing box

A device for maintaining a perfect environment for proofing bread doughs of all kinds.

janJan 03/16/2016 at 11:144 Comments

Yeeeeeeha! I got my PCBs 3 weeks after ordering (China to Germany)!

Soldering was a bit of a hassle and I managed to solder the Atmega the wrong way... DOH! So, fast forward to desoldering most of the parts (as I could get the damn thing off the board)...

Getting the SMD caps off was a bit of a task with just pointed soldering tips available, but I thought: why not make a special tip for that:

Yeah, thats a cable lug with a piece cutted out so it fits my capacitors width shoved onto the biggest ttip I had. Worked like a charm. I soldered a new one immediately:

Looks a lot better now. Uploading the bootloader via ISCP. I'm waiting for socket strips now for final assembly.

There are two errors on the PCB which I made while designing the circuit:

Error 2:

Both errors are dumb mistakes, but at least they won't affect the functionality of my PCB.


Moritz Walter wrote 03/16/2016 at 14:10 point

Awesome soldering tip hack! So the tortoise shipping option of DirtyPCBs takes 3 weeks? That's actually not so bad, express seems to take about one and a half for the protopack.

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Eric Hertz wrote 03/20/2016 at 22:22 point

Agreed, awesome tip!

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Jan wrote 03/21/2016 at 11:08 point

Yeah, thats the kind of hack you need to do without a rework station! I think I need a way to quickly desolder TQFP-32 chips as well. There are workarounds but none that are too usefull...

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Eric Hertz wrote 03/22/2016 at 01:26 point

TQFP-removal... I'm sure you're familiar with heat-guns (paint-strippers)... Of course, it gets tough when there're other parts nearby (or under). And the air-flow often is enough to make things like capacitors fly across the board and bridge with other things.

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