
Starting on the Mark IV version...

A project log for DIY Ballistic Chronograph

A simple DIY ballistic chronograph using IR emitter/phototransistor triggering, an ESP8266 and an I2c LCD

alpha-charlieAlpha Charlie 06/01/2016 at 02:020 Comments

Preliminary source code is up at github -

Also - finally Starting on the Mark IV version. I've got the timer code working well on the ESP8266 and have recently received some new BPW-34 photodoides. The Mark IV design is an open trap design. Since we're using the ESP8266 which has wifi, I'm also building a web interface into the chronometer. This will allow display of multiple readings and averaging of readings and settings menu.

The first open-trap design will experiment with translucent plastic sheet to diffuse natural sunlight and with LEDs to illuminate the trap area actively to see which works better as a trigger.
