
and another minor mistake...

A project log for PiBoy-Zero

yet another portable console! ;-) roughly the size of a gameboy micro, with a 2.2" display

johschneiderJohSchneider 04/02/2016 at 14:252 Comments

another wrong footprint...the push buttons used for start/select group their four pins in pairs - the other way round

... really need to learn to double check the datasheet for all components that have more than two leads - even trivial ones like buttons :-P

oh well - the fix was to desolder the button, cut some traces and amputate a leg >:-)

updated the pcb layout and pushed the changes to git and osh-park

update 2016-04-13

for anyone who happen to have this buggy version, the fix looks like this:

cut the start/select traces at the red lines, and do not solder the button pads marked with the circle...


arnaud.durand wrote 04/04/2016 at 19:27 point

Is it safe to order the PCB now? I can't wait :-D

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JohSchneider wrote 04/07/2016 at 18:56 point


the separate components seem to work fine (buttons, display, power, ...) but i have not tested the system as a whole yet... still in the process of putting the software together and hope not to run into another HW bug :-P

if you feel daring go for it and order, or wait a bit longer till i have everything up and running :-)

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