
Final layout

A project log for Hakko revenge

Building a smarter, smaller and more user friendly soldering station

marius-taciucMarius Taciuc 07/08/2018 at 23:144 Comments

As promised, this is the final layout. Check the files area for the updated C3 version.


AABatteries wrote 07/16/2018 at 14:59 point

Thanks Marius! Would it be possible for you to provide gerber files? Also, I cannot find the updated C3 version of layout in the files, there seems to be only old one uploaded on 06/06

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Marius Taciuc wrote 07/16/2018 at 22:48 point

Yes. I just updated the old one. It must have kept the same date but it is a newer file. I also uploaded a zip archive with the gerbers. Have fun recreating it and send a picture.  

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AABatteries wrote 07/17/2018 at 12:43 point

Thank you! I will for sure post pictures once I recreate the board :) Could you also share .bin files for flashing? I haven't used IAR Embedded Workbench myself. 

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Marius Taciuc wrote 07/27/2018 at 03:41 point

I uploaded the build tree. I'm not 100% sure you will be able to flash it with something else, but it's worth trying. 

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