
Firmware M4 is released (Triggering system and list programming)

A project log for DIY programmable (SCPI) bench power supply

Bridging the gap between professional and DIY/hobbyist bench power supply

denisDenis 03/22/2017 at 15:460 Comments

Firmware M4 is released last week. Two main features are triggering system and list programming (sort of "arbitrary waveform generator"). The later one asked for many optimizations and end results is I believe a very satisfactory for such class of device (DIY and open source).
Triggering system allows usage of four trigger source:

  1. BUS - software trigger, initiated by receiving *TRG when trigger system is already initiated with INIT command
  2. IMMediate - initiated by changing output from off to on or by receiving INIT command
  3. MANual - when flashing button on the TFT touchscreen is selected and
  4. PIN1 - external trigger input available on the front panel push-in connector

When channels are triggered they can be programmed to new fixed output voltage and current ("step" mode) or execution of list of output values will be started.
List could contain up to 256 different output voltage, current with variable duration. Duration (DWELl) could be from 1 ms to 65535 seconds. List can be used when channels are also in "special" modes: tracking and coupling in series and parallel.
I made two part video about above mentioned functionalities and I hope you'll like how quick and easy one can generate e.g. test pattern directly on the device without any extra software and PC connectivity. Your comments and doubts are highly welcomed.
