
More PacMan and memory mapping.

A project log for Wreck it Ralph Raspberry Pi project.

Wreck it Ralph, making the magic happen for real.

tehaxor69tehaxor69 03/24/2016 at 16:100 Comments

Testing how the PacMan program behaves without PacMan around.

Making use of the memory mapping was a fairly simple way of moving around machine code without complications.

CHAR0-CHAR3 is where I put the moveable characters.

    CPU_0C    : ORIGIN = 0x08000, LENGTH = 0x008000
    CPU_0D    : ORIGIN = 0x10000, LENGTH = 0x008000
    DATA    : ORIGIN = 0x18000, LENGTH = 0x800000
    CHAR0    : ORIGIN = 0x880000, LENGTH = 0x010000
    CHAR1    : ORIGIN = 0x890000, LENGTH = 0x010000
    CHAR2    : ORIGIN = 0x8A0000, LENGTH = 0x010000
    CHAR3    : ORIGIN = 0x8B0000, LENGTH = 0x010000

    .CPU0_C : {
    } > CPU_0C
