
Printing the Extruder today!

A project log for Servo-Stock

A Kossel derivative to show off a new PID control framework and command system called the Bowler Communication System.

kevin-harringtonKevin Harrington 04/30/2014 at 15:311 Comment

We are printing out the ServoStruder with the hopes of making the first print today! The servostruder is neat because it used the knurling on the output shaft of a standard servo instead of a traditional hobbed rod. This means one of the major custom metal vitamins from 3d printers can be totally dropped. Also, because of the encoder running on the filament not the motor, we can detect stalls (filament jams and out of filament events), and pause a print. There are no complicated switches or line break sensors, just the servo and the encoder. 

With luck we will have our first print by the end of today!


paul wrote 06/02/2014 at 19:36 point
Hey Guys did you get this to work have, been following with much interest as working on similar idea If this works would be great for Delta direct drive print heads.

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