
Reuse WIFI Garage Door Opener

A garage door opener using an old android phone, an old pc speaker amplifier and a very simple circuit

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My objective with this project was to create a wifi enabled garage door opener without spending a lot of money. I wanted to use the sound from the phone to energize the coil of a relay, that in turn connects the two wires from the garage door opener button.

I had an old pc speaker amplifier from the 90s. I found the datasheet for it (TA8217P). I had to remove the three capacitors that drive the speaker to get a useful voltage. I finally used a simple LM311 comparator to energize the relay directly

The "stages" of this project are:

Smartphone connected to wifi

Old audio amplifier (pc speakers or bluetooth speaker)

Comparator and relay circuit (made by you!)

The objective is to energize the relay to switch anything (in this case to connect the two wires that signal the garage door opener)

  • 1 × RAS0510 5 Volt Relay
  • 1 × LM311 Amplifier and Linear ICs / Comparator ICs
  • 1 × LM7805 Power Management ICs / Linear Voltage Regulators and LDOs
  • 1 × Potentiometer 5KOhm
  • 1 × Recycled audio amplifier Any old audio amplifier such as bluetooth speaker or pc speaker. Try to find the datasheet to locate the output that drives the speakers. Remove all capacitors from the output.

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    The "stages" of this project are:

    1. Smartphone connected to wifi
    2. Old audio amplifier (pc speakers or bluetooth speaker)
    3. Comparator and relay circuit (made by you!)

    The objective is to energize the relay to switch anything (in this case to connect the two wires that signal the garage door opener)

  • 2
    Step 2

    First you need to locate the output of your audio amplifier and remove any bootstrap or filter capacitors connected to it. You should see about 3V DC when the sound is not playing and about 5V DC when the sound is playing. Remove the speaker connection as well so that all the current goes to the comparator input.

    Find the ground on your amplifier and connect it to ground on your protoboard with your 5V source.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Construct the simple LM311 comparator from

    Instead of connecting an LDR and the 33K resistor, connect only the speaker output of the amplifier after removing the speaker itself and the capacitors.

    Instead of an LED in the output, connect the coil of the RAS0510. No resistor is needed.

View all 7 instructions

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