
Our Full Scale Rocket

A project log for Amateur Rockets

Progress of Elon University's Rocket Team on making a rocket fly to 10,000 ft.

keeley-collinsKeeley Collins 01/21/2017 at 20:570 Comments

Our full scale rocket is completed and ready for its first launch! The launch was supposed to be tomorrow, but the weather didn't agree with that, so the launch has been moved to next weekend. Hopefully the weather gods will be smiling upon us then. In the meantime here's some pictures of the completed rocket.

The picture is a little blurry (my fault), but oh well.

I took the picture too soon and now Liam looks like he was trying to be dramatic.

I added a document with our build schedule that we used while we were building the rocket. It basically just says what we completed each day. I may or may not add a parts list later.
