
Grob: a low cost ROS robot

This project is design to help to start with ROS (Robot Operating System) on a low cost platform.

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This project is design to help to start with ROS (Robot Operating System) to leverage the knowledge of the robotics community easily. Most of ROS experiences need a high price robot or is limited to playing on simulation only.

The main idea is to use low cost components (one RPI 2/3 and 30 €/$) to build an autonomous robot and focus on the software (ROS) part.
I hope it will help makers to start experimenting with ROS and bring a lot more robots on earth.

The brain of the robot is a Raspberry pi 2 for ROS execution with an Arduino for real time tasks.
The robot is designed with three floor:
-The lower one: power and motors,
-The middle one: low level command (Arduino and H-bridges),
-The higher one: raspberry pi and camera.
Some sensors will be added (as ultrasound and infrared range sensors).
It is an ongoing project with iterative design and should change a lot.

Project licence is BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution License)

This project is organised as follows:


Step 1 : Fresh install of raspbian

Step 2 : Installation of ROS on Raspbian

Step 3 : Catkin workspace and tutorials

Build steps:



Low level API:


Control the robot:


  • 1 × SD Card (8 Gb or more) (7 €) For step 1
  • 1 × Raspberry pi 2/3 (40 €) For Step 2
  • 1 × USB WiFi dongle (or not if RPI3) For Step 2
  • 1 × Arduino Uno (clone 5.5 €) For Step 3

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Thomas wrote 02/11/2018 at 07:13 point

Somehow it's even more interesting to make ROS work with a very cheap robot (modeling probability for cheap sensors, shaky movement). Some of the work can go into making the performance of cheap drives and sensors better :-) I like the radical low cost approach!

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David Galdeano wrote 02/12/2018 at 09:19 point

Thanks for the comment. I did a lot of improvement and I should take the time to download them but I have a busy schedule.

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David Galdeano wrote 02/29/2016 at 11:37 point

As I am a non-native English speaker, feel free to correct any mistakes.

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