
A portable computer using the Pi Zero 2 W

A project log for "Solar Pi Platter"

A Li-Ion charger for Solar or USB with PMIC/RTC, 5V boost converter and USB Hub that can run Linux for only $5 more!

dan-julioDan Julio 08/28/2022 at 19:020 Comments

I recently needed to test some software I had written on a Raspberry Pi.  I have a Pi 4 with the official 7" LCD but it turns out that screen doesn't have enough vertical resolution so I hit Amazon looking for better screens.  One thing led to another and I soon was working on a new project as an excuse to play with the Pi Zero 2 W. 

The Norsmic 7" 1024x600 pixel monitor sports higher resolution as well as capacitive touch and two amplified speakers for audio.  The Pi Platter along with a simple custom 3D printed mounting plate was the perfect power manager for a portable computer.

If anyone is interested, the full build details on are github.
