

Automate the creation of a focus stack by controlling the photo camera and a linear actuator.

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Automate the creation of a focus stack by controlling the photo camera and a linear actuator, using a standalone control box.

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  • 1 × C-Beam™ Linear Actuator Bundle A stepper motor (NEMA 23) driven platform on short rails
  • 1 × Stepper motor driver Microstep capable current control for the stepper motor
  • 1 × WeMos D1mini minimal ESP8266 development board
  • 1 × LCD 2004 4 line 20 character LCD with controller
  • 1 × I2C LCD control module The common PCF8574 used to drive the LCD module

View all 10 components

  • 1
    Step 1
    Not a step-by-step start to finish guide to recreate an exact replica. Just a bunch of interesting chunks. Re-usable as 'inspiration' for other projects that contain similar parts.
  • 2
    Step 2

    LCD display

    The LCD display is a generic 4 line 20 character module. It exposes a set of ~16 digital connections. Because the controller has a limited I/O count, the LCD module is connected through the I2C bus. The I2C bus to LCD2004 combination is quite common, and matching controllers can be found.

    In order to correctly drive the LCD display this module is powered by 5V. The I2C bus signals are correctly interpreted as the 3.3V level is seen as logic high.

    LCD 2004

    I2C LCD interface

    see ManualPage.cpp (and others)

  • 3
    Step 3

    Menu push buttons

    Because the controller has a limited I/O count, the push buttons are connected through the I2C bus. The PCF8574 digital I/O expander has built-in pull-up resistors and because only 8 buttons are required these are connected one-on-one on each of the available input pins. In order to be consistent, and allow common I2C bus wiring, the I/O extender is powered by 5V.

    Skimping on a de-bouncing filter is possible, the controller can do this in software.

    Menu push buttons

    I2C digital I/O extender

    see Buttons.cpp

View all 8 instructions

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