
Laundry Monitor

Receive a push notification when the washer and dryer are done.

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Our washer and dryer are in the basement and we forget when they finish. If the clothes sit in the washer for an extended period of time they get musty and must be washed again. If we know when the dryer is done was can pull the clothes out while they are still warm so we can cut down on wrinkles.

I wanted to monitor the washer and dryer without voiding the warranty on the washer and dryer. To do this I will plug the washer and dryer into my monitor and it will measure the current flowing to the devices. When the current stops flowing I know the device is finished running.

I originally designed this project using a Raspberry Pi Model B, USB WiFi adapter two ACS712 current sensors and a MCP3008.

In less than a year the SD card became corrupt and stopped working. I have since discovered the Particle Photon so I'm re-designing the project again using the Photon in place of the Raspberry Pi.


Source Code Version 2.0

document - 6.69 kB - 06/30/2016 at 21:15


3-5-2016 Laundry Watch.gdoc

Source Code Version 1.0

gdoc - 250.00 bytes - 03/06/2016 at 03:20


  • 1 × Particle Photon Particle’s IoT (Internet of Things) hardware development kit
  • 2 × ACS712 Hall-Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor
  • 1 × Micro USB Power Supply
  • 1 × Project Enclosure
  • 1 × Male Power Cables

View all 7 components

  • Observations

    Ryan02/24/2016 at 02:28 0 comments

    • WIth a simple loop test on the Photon runs almost 1000 loops per second.
    • The analog input can only measure up to 3.3 volts. The current sensor is rated at 5 volts.
    • There are internal pullup and pulldown resistors. It did not work as a pulldown for me but i found some documentation saying it works better as a pullup.
    • You can monitor the serial port on the mac by issuing the command:
      screen /dev/tty.usbmodem1421 9600
    • To exit the serial connection type Ctrl + A + \

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Gёёkin' Hard wrote 06/30/2016 at 18:14 point

Have you found your base "zero current" readings to be consistent? Mine have been consistently inconsistent.  What I do now is every two hours, if the washer hasn't run, average out the last 90 readings (~1/min) and that becomes my new base value (off).

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Ryan wrote 06/30/2016 at 21:03 point

I noticed the readings did fluctuate, but since my threshold limits for determining when the washer and dyer are on are pretty high and therefore fluctuations are not detected.  

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Daniel wrote 04/08/2016 at 21:57 point

I sadly cannot open the gdoc file

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Ryan Shill wrote 03/07/2016 at 19:05 point

There are periods during the wash cycle on many washers where the clothes just soak. How do you plan to differentiate between this state and when the wash is done using current draw?

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Ryan wrote 03/07/2016 at 20:43 point

To account for this  I have a 5 minute countdown that starts when no current is detected.  If current is detected again within this countdown period the timer is reset. If the countdown reaches zero the alert is sent.   When my washer is set for the largest laundry load it's current flow is idle for no more than 4 minutes.  The countdown timer is how I account for this problem.  The only downside to this approach is the notification is sent 5 minutes after the laundry is complete.  

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