
Assembling Crow

A project log for Crow from MST3K

I built Crow from Mystery Science Theater 3000 for my sister's 2015 Christmas present.

kenneth-zabornyKenneth Zaborny 02/28/2016 at 17:560 Comments

Crow's arms are constructed from a couple of old lamps my parent's found in a house they are remodeling. That saved me a lot of money.

The eyes are obviously just pingpong balls painted with a florescent yellow Krylon paint and black gloss acrylic.

I was going to design and print a mechanism to control the eye movement but I found one on Thingverse from someone that had previously built a Crow. It works perfectly.

Crow's construction is complete. I've already started planning a way to give a voice to Crow in the same way Tom Servo can speak.
