
Sump repair

A quick repair to a damaged engine sump.

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Rock verses sump resulted in a leak. Whoops. As it turns out the sump was so pitted that it was leaking anyway. And £70 queens for a new one! Sod that. Hacking hat on.
The sump was drained of its last drops ( 3l worth ) and removed. It was cleaned up with a wire brush, rusty bits removed with a screw driver and then the sump cleaned up with an angle grinder wire wheel.
Rust removing goo was liberally applied to the sump followed by a wipe down and final seeing to with the wire wheel.
Two part epoxy was then rubbed in to the various pits and holes, really worked in, no elbow grease spared.
Rust inhibiting paint was then applied and once up to standards the sump was gasketed and slapped back in. Job done.
The offending rock.
Cleaned up sump with leaks and pitting showing.
Slimer doing his best to help.
The painted sump prior to fitting, shame about the colour.

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